Carletti Dentistry and Associates has a comfort dog to help you relax and feel more at ease when visiting us! Our dog is friendly and well-trained, and loves meeting new people and helping make our office more comfortable. Give us a call to make your appointment with Dr. J. Andrew Carletti and associates, our caring dentists in Tulsa and Sapulpa, Oklahoma, and meet our comfort dog!

I am in the office when Dr. Carletti is working.
I am a goldendoodle.
Dr. Carletti is my dad.
I was born in March 2019.
I am very laid back, sometimes I get in trouble for sleeping on the job.
I enjoy sneaking into trashcans when no one is looking.

My name is Gus, I am a Berneidoodle and was born April 2021
I get to come to work with my mom Shelby, Monday –Thursday in the Sapulpa office.
I love seeing everyone, especially kids!
I’m a great door greeter and couch cuddler, sometimes I’ll even lay in your lap
When I’m not at work, I love running, playing with my ball and going on walks.